Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Have you ever heard about fingers alphabet?
If not, here is the link:

The task for you is:
Decode the fingers alphabet message in the photo below. In Slovak language it is: "Všetkých svätých". It is the name of the Day at the very beginning of November. Do you know and keep this day in your country? How do you say it in your language?


COMMUNICATION CHANNELS- verbal and non verbal messages said...

We think that we can read your message: "ALL SAINTS"
Is that right?
Polish team.
In our language it's:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Polish team, you are right. Congratulations.Regards,
Slovak team

kossuthkengyel said...

The decoded message is 'All Saints'. In our language it is Minden Szentek.

The Hungarian team

kossuthkengyel said...

The decoded message is 'All Saints'. In our language it is Minden Szentek.

The Hungarian team