Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Greek Lesson

A Greek lesson: the teacher is giving a lesson to the pupils but some of them are a bit naughty and noisy. Then she has to take some severe measures. Can you guess what she is going to do next? Oh! the whole lesson is in Greek so that you can hear the sound of the language in an uninterrupted way.

1 comment:

COMMUNICATION CHANNELS- verbal and non verbal messages said...

Polish students have come up with many ideas of possible ending of this story.
After watching your video, each class had at least a few different ideas what would happen next.Some of them were funny and some terrifying.
We will record and publish them soon.For now we'd like to present you the first of them.
We'd also like to tell you that you are very good actors Greek friends.Congratulations!
We had a great fun learnig a bit of Greek.That was not easy, we must admit:-)